#1 Electrotherapeutic Modalities Physiotherapy Edmonton

Electrotherapeutic Modalities Physiotherapy Edmonton

Electrotherapeutic Modalities PHYSIOTHERAPY Edmonton

#1 Electrotherapeutic Modalities Physiotherapy Edmonton

Use ultrasound and electrical stimulation to relieve your pain or discomfort!

Are you aware that Family Physiotherapy provides electrotherapeutic modalities to aid patients’ treatment?  

Our modalities consist of ultrasound and electrical stimulation services. Ultrasound service is provided by using a piece of equipment that produces mechanical energy, while electrical stimulation service requires the use of self-adhesive electrodes placed on specific parts of the target treatment area of the body. These electrodes are connected to a circuit unit through wires to allow the flow of electricity and uninterrupted interaction with motor or sensory nerves. 

During your assessment session with our physiotherapists, they will perform a sound clinical reasoning process to know whether this treatment plan is suitable as well as beneficial in addressing your problem. 

Contact Family Physiotherapy for your session! 

Whether you are suffering from pain or discomfort due to injury or accident, you can Contact Family Physiotherapy to book an appointment with us. We can use Electrotherapeutic modalities Physiotherapy Edmonton to find a solution to your problem. Meet with us, and we will get you on a fast track to achieving quick recovery, a pain-free state, and a comfortable condition.