Family physiotherapy is one of the clinics in Edmonton that provide first response services during an athletic event. Our Athletic& sports physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists are well-trained in delivering athletics event coverage services.
Our Athletic Events Coverage services cut across
Return to play assessment
Clinics follow up when required
On-field assessment
First aid and emergency first response treatment
Sport wrapping and tapping
Emergency spinal care
Complete sideline concussion management
We have been opportune to render these services in most athletic events in Edmonton and other places in Canada. Some of these events include;
Combative sports
Football (rep and house league)
Local triathlons and races
Canada winter games
Rugby (rep and national)
Touring Broadway musicals and dance presentation
Figure skating (local, national, international)
World Junior Hockey championships
World masters rowing and royal Canadian Henley regatta
World figure skating championship.
Will you like us to cover your athletic event?
Family physiotherapy has vast experience in providing professional and consistent medical as well as therapeutic care for athletes and other performers. You can contact Family Physiotherapy to discuss further on your event. Our presence will keep your mind at rest and also ensure all athletics are in their optimal state.